Board of Directors Meeting – Feb 16, 2021

Roll Call // Introductions – 5m
- Richard, Ronica, Christen, Jen, Lori
- Community attendees
- Sally Tait, Shari, John Farrow
Connect to Our Craft // Personal Check-ins + Wins – 10m
[no notes]
Community Forum – 10m
Space for people who have come specifically addressed the board.
- N/A
SIG Leader Time – 15m
What discussions or coordinations would the SIG/CoP leaders like to have? What help or input might they like from the board?
- SIG Coalition Trello:
- SIG Meetup Calendar:
- Agile at Scale has been on hiatus. Adjusted schedule cadence and sent out a message to members and things are back in action
- Agile at Scale needs to get associate level debit card activated for them later, but for now will submit meetup expense to Richard
- SIG Summit OKR 2 has met two times. Plan to gather data on attendees, RSVP vs Actual etc… to find areas where we may have opportunities to potentialize marketing. They are working on a member survey.
- Linked in page – company (unlisted) vs. group (listed). Make the group LinkedIn the process and get it documented.
- There is a meeting scheduled on Saturday to do some of the handbook stuff.
- The website directs members to the Company LinkedIn page rather than the Groups page. Should we reconsider that? (Jen fixed it right meow!)
- Should SIG Leaders all have access to Tweetdeck? If you want to tweet- you use, and let me (jen) know what your user ID is so I can grant you access to post as agile denver
- SIG Meetup calendar: Can we technically imbed this into the wordpress website? Should we just have SIG leaders have wordpress access to update the calendar ourselves? Another option could be Google Shared Group Calendar (see the Agile Denver group). Brainstorming option with tech options and tool demos.
**Natural exit point for folks who don’t want to sit through whole agenda**
Check in with last month’s Action Plan – 5m
Copied in below. How did we do? Quick round-robin?
- Ronica: Continue to work with Agile Alliance on Meetup. (needs followup) Edits I’ve promised. Facilitate getting OKRs talked about. (complete)
- Richard: OKR 3 updates (not much progress, reached out to cohort for inspiration and action) + Finish Radical Transparency article (Doh! I did work on it, but still WiP)
- Lori: Newsletter content. (complete) Approve code of conduct. (complete) Review Richard’s blog. (needs follow up) Jan meetup, (complete) 2 meetups in Feb. (1 done, 1 pending) Support and attend other AD meetups.(complete) Send Jen ideas for member interviews. (complete)
- Christen: Finished uploading the historical MHA videos (Thank you Jen and Alex), MHA Org team is brainstorming for conference alternatives for this year, Robb Hollman said “yes” to helping with the Speaker Workshop
- Jen: Comms/newsletter – Ready to go, just waiting on the board meeting to see if there are any late breaking pieces of info.
Main Agenda –
Any agenda items to add outside the Trello board?
Roles and Board Titles
I just want to change the title so I am not ‘At Large’ I feel too seen after my covid-20. 🙂
Existing/Official Roles:
- President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
Role Gaps:
- SIG Rep / Community Outreach (general)
- MHA Conference
- Comms / Marketing
- Infrastructure / Tech
- Other advocacy?
The items of ownership we would steward are as follows, with many activities that we can take on but can mainly fulfill some holy relics.
- Conference
- SIG Meetups
- IT
- Finance
- Marketing & Communication
15m – Trello Board Review board right to left
Items from Trello Requiring Decisions
- Code of Conduct can be published after a final review (decided and posted last month.)
- Richard has some blog content for us to review soon
Note: We closed the board meeting in giggles which is the best way to end a meeting with friends.