2021 MHA Conference News

You’ve likely seen a lot of conference announcements these past few weeks and wondered about MileHighAgile. Well, we have good news and not so good news.
The not so good news is that we have made a decision to cancel our 2021 MileHighAgile Conference that we postponed from May until October. I’m sure you can understand all of the many reasons that led us to this decision. If you’d like to know more, please reach out to me and Erin anytime. We’re happy to share all of the perspectives and advice we received over the past year that led us to this decision.
The good news is that the MileHighAgile Organizing Team has wholeheartedly agreed to do some other great things for our agile community in place of the conference! We are looking at all kinds of great options that can be done virtually and some that we might be able to pull off with some social distancing considerations. We’re also looking into some JIT (just-in-time) options for this fall to get together that doesn’t require a lot of prep or notice so we can just hang out and see each other if the conditions allow. Doesn’t that sound SO GOOD!? Yeeeessss!
Erin and I would like to say “Thank You!” to our dedicated MHA Organizing team for their willingness to keep going and create something even without the conference we all hoped we could put on!
Your Mile High Agile Organizing Team!
- Christen – Conference Chair
- Erin – Conference Co-Chair
- Marie – Attendee Experience Lead
- Shawna – Venue Lead
- Kathy – Finance Lead
- Ariel – Marketing Lead
- Erika – Program Team Lead
- Varita “Jin” – Conference Generalist