Board of Directors – Dec 15, 2020

Roll Call // Introductions – 5m
- BoD attendees
- Ronica Roth, Lori Langston, Christen McLemore, Jen Krieger, Richard Dolman
- Community attendees
- shari
Connect to Our Craft // Personal Check-ins + Wins – 10m
Community Forum – 10m
Space for people who have come specifically addressed the board.
- Shari brought back the agile in education opportunity from last month. We’re struggling with the idea of paying a speaker. But if it’s about Scrum Alliance deciding to foot the bill because they want to promote their new cert (i.e., marketing). We need to be very clear that we don’t pay for speakers for our meetups, and we don’t intend to.
- Decision: The event can be pursued, and we’re happy to participate/offer it, as long as the money part is all Scrum Alliance and not us. The ask doesn’t come from AD at all.
SIG Leader Time – 15m
What discussions or coordinations would the SIG/CoP leaders like to have? What help or input might they like from the board?
**Natural exit point for folks who don’t want to sit through whole agenda**
Main Agenda –
- Do we yet have cards for SIG Summit follow-up? Should we spend some time generating those?
- OKRs
- What’s your Hug-O-Meter Level?
- Make it Easy
- Mo’ Money! (Richard)
- 15m – Trello Board Review board right to left
Items from Trello Requiring Decisions
- Roles for all members on the board – Trello card November discussion
- Google domain functionality – Trello card
- Philosophical discussion: Of course we want to save money. And yet, we are top facilitators, collaborators and agilists, and it seems like it would fit our persona to offer access to top tools like Miro and Zoom. Sponsorship opportunity!!
- Next steps on OKRs – Trello Card
- Financial update
- VOTE: Radical transparency. We publish our annual picture to the web site. 3-0
- Discussion: Annual publishing is good, plus we discuss incremental information through our public board meetings.
Communication Plan – 10m
What coordinated announcements will we deliver at AD events?
- OKRs out of SIG Summit
Other needed communications?
Action Plan – 10m
What will each board member commit to doing between now and our next board meeting?
- Ronica: I have clear items on Trello board
- Richard: OKR#3 follow-ups for Jan meeting, Radical Transparency article
- Lori: Trello cards resulting from SIG summit. Aggregation and summary of SIG summit for sharing with everyone. Newsletter submissions.
- Christen:
- Jen: Website & Comms plans
Next Meeting – Jan 19th, 2020 – 5m
- Will we meet in January? Yes
- Is it Virtual or In Person? Virtual
- Who will attend? Richard, Jen & Ronica