Board of Directors – Nov 17, 2020

Roll Call // Introductions – 5m
- BoD attendees
- Ronica Roth, Lori Langston, Christen McLemore, Jen Krieger, Richard Dolman
- Community attendees
Connect to Our Craft // Personal Check-ins + Wins – 10m
- Christen – Trying to put office clothes on for the past couple weeks so I feel a bit more awake and active. Started a “cycle club” with friends to get some exercise too.
- Ronica – Facilitated BoD for a non-profit. Elephants in the room = many.
- Aaron – Product owner course. Call out for guests for podcast. Next one is scrum guide and he is looking for presenters. I hate airplanes.
- Richard oddly misses airplanes. Did my first CAL-E class with a partner, new format, went well and still living and loving MIRO.
- Catherine – Win at work with a Happy Hour to connect with team on a human level and did a game with informal feel.
- Frank Vega – Greenscreen and video learning
- Jen – spent time with someone she recently met that needed coaching – outgrowing an organization, experiencing grief and guilt
- Lori – Working on helping teams grow through their interpersonal relationships and making really good progress
Community Forum – 10m
- Community Led – Two Topics – 5 minutes each.
- Catherine: Holiday Party – will we have a remote event, what are the logistics. Meetups are not networking or personal check-ins. Ideas for virtual interactions that are social.
- Ronica – mixer aligned around stories and lies and games. Crowdsource – give rooms, MIRO, etc…
- Each SIG could facilitate a room, exercise….
- Provide a PDF as a reference resource with the games that folks can take away to use in their practice
- Open space, hallway exercises,
- Lori thinks we should all play AMONG US
- Catherine: Holiday Party – will we have a remote event, what are the logistics. Meetups are not networking or personal check-ins. Ideas for virtual interactions that are social.
- Catherine: Pair two speakers for an Agile in education/Agile at scale for a sponsored event. Outreach would be beyond our limited audience.
- Attendance and ratings from previous similar events are not favorable for this content
- May appeal to people home-schooling
- Need more info regarding how this would work as a paid event or address speaker fees
- Bring this into a revenue generating objective (visiting artist model?)
- Add to SIG summit agenda
- Assess for 2021 budget and program impacts
- Aaron is looking to connect with Agile community.
Main Agenda – 65m
- 15m – [Jen] Trello Board Review board right to left
Items from Trello Requiring Decisions
- 15m – [Lori] Planning SIG Summit – Trello card
- Goal: SIGs are a collaborative coalition; working groups that continue after SIG Summit is over, ensure
- December 5th or 12th in the morning
- Artifacts from the first SIG Summit
- 15-20 people will attend, should we open it up? Yes. Lori will work on an invitation that will very clearly communicate the objectives so folks can decide if they want to attend or not.
- Who will work with Lori on this?
- Aaron will help
- SIG Leaders
- Ronica sign up for day of facilitation
- 10m – [Jen] Roles for all members on the board – Trello card
- Jen and Christen would like official roles in order to have a charter for responsibilities. Having a theme for contributions helps to make value provided more evident. Explicit roles will help channel the needs to the right person, helps with governance.
- Alternate view is that we are too small and it feels like divy-ing up work which may impair pairing.
- Would owners of strategic themes be an alternative for board titles?
- Jen – Communications Czarina and strategic theme specifications/ownership-partnerships
- Would be ok to restructure and define shared responsibilities and ownerships
- Should we inventory the responsibilities and assign them? Let’s not generate any inhibition of limiting anyone from taking things they want to do. Delayed conference is making us think differently of how things work.
- Let’s reflect on this and impacts to group dynamics. Jen and Christen will propose what they would like to see change.
- 10m – [Christen] Code of Conduct for MHA – is it the AD one too? – Trello Card
- Jen will take the code of conduct for MHA, compare it to other current codes and propose a draft for Agile Denver. Likely not to make many updates – our code of conduct is good for MHA.
- Finance
- Jen has discovered cost savings in migrating to Google non-profit domain that is ½ the cost of the platform we’re on currently.
- Updated monthly run-the-business expenses – slide deck from Oct mtg ( slide 3.
- Without sponsorship and revenue from conference, we must consider how to handle the cost burn that may impact us in the long run. Will need to mitigate. Consulting with other non-profits for ideas (Agile Austin has a $25 annual membership fee).
- Jen has proposed we switch to Google meet and drop our zoom membership, and use Jamboard which is free instead of MIRO.
- Richard – One option is we can get a free Mural account for up to 10 seats as a non-profit.
- 15m – [Jen] Finalize OKRs – Trello Card
- O1: Reignite passion in our SIG Community and strengthen SIG connection to the AD Community
- KR1: Hold a highly interactive SIG Summit event that results in a satisfaction score of 4 out of 5 or higher.
- KR2: At least two SIG Leaders bring an idea to the table and exit the summit wanting to drive the excitement into the community.
- KR3: SIG Summit does not end, but rather continues on for the entire CY2021 year with at least one working group that includes members from the community. OR we revise this with something from SIG Summit.
- O1: Reignite passion in our SIG Community and strengthen SIG connection to the AD Community
- O2: Better Serve our Community by strengthening our financial position and runway
- KR1: Reduce operating expenses by 10% by January 2021 Board Meeting.
- KR2: Each board member will bring one new income generating opportunity to the table once per quarter.
- O2: Better Serve our Community by strengthening our financial position and runway
Future consideration
- Encourage exploration of advanced topics
- Inspire and nurture new leaders in the community
Communication Plan – 15m
What coordinated announcements will we deliver at AD events?
- Agile Denver Meetup Mashups Communication on Hold until January – Trello Card
Other needed communications?
- Call to Action – Action Required from all board members – please ready this email, make suggestions for modification or provide a +1 to send out
- Lori +1 !!!!!
Action Plan – 10m
What will each board member commit to doing between now and our next board meeting?
- Ronica: Generate revenue ideas. Zoom user review
- Richard: Enhanced Financial update for 2021 and ideas for OKR2
- Lori: All the SIG summit things.
- Objective, theme
- Attendees: invite member subgroup?
- ACTIVITIES (Social, building groups/communities, OKR, Learning/best-practice, instruction, resources, assignments)
- Outcome, plan, actions, execution, follow-up
- Retrospective
- Next steps (agenda, staff, invitation, logistics, tools, communication, execution)
- Christen:
- Jen: Execute against the rest of November comms plan, draft up role document with Christen, and draft up code of conduct for Agile Denver. Finish google domain cost review. Publish OKRs on website.
Next Meeting – December 15th, 2020 – 5m
- Will we meet in December? Yes
- Is it Virtual or In Person? Virtual
- Who will attend? Lori. Richard, Christen, Jen & Ronica