COVID-19 & Mile High Agile

Letter from the Agile Denver Board of Directors
The community of organizers at Mile High Agile believe that nothing is more important than the health and well being of our attendees, speakers and sponsors. Because of recent events surrounding COVID-19, as well as the cancellation of many conferences in the coming months, the Agile Denver Board of Directors held an emergency board meeting today to discuss the impact and implications of COVID-19 on Mile High Agile 2020.
What we discovered during our conversation is that we need data to confidently make a decision. We are a regional non-profit conference organized and attended largely by folks who live in Colorado. However, we also are aware that many of you are starting to see travel and large event restrictions from your employers. We really do want to make the best decision for the community as well as everyone involved. Over the course of the next few days, we will be issuing a survey to folks who have been selected to speak, have sponsored the conference and have purchased tickets to explore the options together. This will help us determine if we should postpone the conference or cancel it.
In the meantime, please be patient while we explore all of our options. We intend on making a final decision at the next Agile Denver Board meeting on March 17th, and will be issuing another follow up communication on this matter at that time.
Sincere thanks for your understanding,
Ronica Roth, President Agile Denver Board
Richard Dolman, Treasurer, Agile Denver Board
Trevor Peterson, Secretary, Agile Denver Board
Christen McLemore, Director at Large, Agile Denver Board, CoChair MHA2020
Jen Krieger, Director at Large, Agile Denver Board, Chair MHA2020