Board of Directors – February 18th, 2020

Call To Order
Roll Call / Introductions
- BoD attendees: Trevor Peterson, Ronica Roth, Christen McLemore, Jen Krieger, Richard Dolman
- Community attendees: Kim Antello, Lori Langston, Daniel Lynn, Dan Wyks
Connect to Our Craft
10 minutes to go around the room and share something we learned or did in the last month.
- Richard – I was reminded that when we come together and use our “Agile tools”, we can make amazing progress. This power was shown by our Saturday Board meeting
- Ronica – I got to work with a bunch of business leaders – Did a mash up of 59 minute scrum and – never talk more than 10 minutes before having people do stuff. Amazing to see senior leaders willing to play games
- Kim – Cobol programmers were willing to do skits and roleplaying
- Trevor – Getting this group letting me do the four Ls for our strategy session. And my boss said today that I’m the most agile person he knows.
- Jen – I have a great deal of patience for any type of personality. I had a 20 minute Open Questions training this week. I’m counting that as a moment of growth for me.
- Lori – It’s different communicating at an organizational level on the value of Agility. I was successful at getting my leadership to sponsor MHA! Learning to speak executive language has helped – how to quantify stuff that I have passion for.
- Christen – I studied to pass the LPM enablement for 5.0. There is a lot of content that I’m overwhelmed by. I just learned something new today – networking (Ronica can help
- Community Forum (30 minutes)
- Lori – CVS is going to support MHA
- Lori – I have a trello item about the SIG handbook. I set a pretty aggressive timeline of end of Feb. It will probably be end of quarter instead with other work needed around the Coaching SIG. Want to make it more collaborative with the other SIG leaders.
- Treasurer Update
- Reconciliation status
- Annual Tax return
- MHA related
- Mile High Agile 2020 (board)
- MHA Financials – board approved Budget Version 2 presented by Dan
- Block Hotel List – the list is okayed
- Profit Sharing List – Go forth and experiment! Dan and Christen
- Bylaws review and updates
- Kick this to the March meeting so that we can focus on website.
- New Business
- Carol Chen decision – last week of April or first week of May
- Brad Swanson is interested in starting up new SIG/Meetup focused on “Agile Executives”. His intent is to start up an “exclusive” group of execs. Maybe making it a bi-monthly cadence. Question – Can we add a new Meetup to our existing Meetup platform or would we need to add another sub-domain?
- Exclusive will make this trickier, so it will not be able to be added to the main Meetup
- Jen is creating a card to look into Meetup and what we are spending/allocating
- Trello Board: Review board right to left
- PO Box – Richard updated trello card. He sent an email to Office Evolution, but has not heard back. He will call them tomorrow to get more information about mail services from them.
- Build a Web Site MVP (1 hour)
- See Trello for details
- Let’s do it!!
- What coordinated announcements will we deliver at the SIGs?
- 10-year anniversary MHA 18-19 May. Tickets still available. Sponsorships still available.
- MHA Day-Of Volunteers opens up in February
- Other needed communications?
Next Meeting: Tuesday Mar 17th 2020
As of now, who plans to be in-person vs remote vs absent?
- Richard – tbd
- Jen – I’ll be in person
- Christen – I’ll be in person
- Ronica – Possibly in person
- Trevor – I should be in person