Join the conversation in Agile Denver's slack. We are always looking for folks to provide feedback on events you'd like to see, ways to enhance and inspire our community's growth, and new ways to engage in the local community.



Agile Denver has several vibrant Special Interest Groups (SIGs) which meet monthly on a variety of topics. Many of our SIGs have gone virtual, so check them out from the comfort of your couch.



There are many opportunities for members of the Agile Denver community to get involved. Discover which one is right for you!



Tricia Broderick


Tricia Broderick, co-author of Lead without Blame, is a leadership and organizational advisor. With over twenty-five years of experience, her transformational leadership ignites the growth of leaders and resilient high-performing teams to deliver quality outcomes. Tricia boldly role models putting people first. Her aim is to create inclusive connections and collaborations that challenge and support people in an authentic, vulnerable, and engaging way. She is a highly-rated trainer, coach, facilitator, and motivational keynote speaker. In 2020, she founded Ignite Insight + Innovation.

When not traveling to experience the world, Tricia lives in Denver with her family.

Dan Wyks


I am a senior software engineering leader based in Colorado. With nearly 25 years of experience in the software engineering industry and a passion for leadership, Agile methodologies, modern engineering practices, and Developer Experience (devX), I've had a diverse career.

I started as an entry-level software tester after spending six months in a client-server certificate program at George Washington University - today it would almost certainly be called a boot camp. I applied the skills acquired in that program to subsequent positions as a PowerBuilder and Oracle developer in commercial and federal government contractor positions. I held many roles as a government contractor including DBA, Technical Lead, Lead Business Analyst, Project Manager, and Test Director.

I left the government contracting world in 2012 and started navigating the software engineering leadership path; coaching, leading, and growing a number of teams along the way.

Over the past 15 years, I've been focused on learning and applying Lean and Agile methodologies, and I'm proud to be a member of the Agile Denver (AD) community and AD’s Kanban Community of Practice.

If you want to know how to pronounce my last name, just remember “Dan Wyks likes bikes.” and make it rhyme!

Candy Durfee


Candy Durfee is an agile and lean practices coach with a passion for process optimization, effective facilitation, and cross-organizational collaboration. She loves guiding and inspiring individuals and teams to reach for something greater. She has a Master’s degree in organizational leadership, and more than twenty years of business experience in various roles. Outside of work, she loves to travel, cook, and enjoy time with family and friends.

Teddy Carroll

Member at Large

Teddy is a certified enterprise agile and professional systems coach whose mission is to help people not hate going to work. He helps teams and organizations unlock cohesion, performance, and resilience in the face of change. He believes that only delightful organizations can create delighted customers. Away from work, Teddy shoots a lot of pictures, bangs on his drums, and puts words in such an order that they sometimes become stories.

Allison Cooper

Member at Large

Allison Cooper is a certified enterprise coach, consultant, and technical executive with over 20 years experience in IT. Introduced to Scrum in her early days as a software developer, Allison’s passion for agility and lean ideas ignited when she saw the transformative effects on people and organizations, and the powerful results that are achieved. Her expertise lies in creating spaces where people love what they do, where teams grow and flourish together, and where organizations thrive.

Outside of work, Allison plays pickleball with her husband and neighbors, cheers for her daughters at their numerous activities, and spends as much time as possible exploring the outdoors. She is honored to serve the local Denver community through her work with Agile Denver.

Manny Segarra 3

Member at Large

25 years of IT experience, 14+ years guiding Lean/Agile transitions as Agile Coach/SM, creating team efficiency and reducing cycle times across development teams. Agile Denver member since 2010.

Deep knowledge and experience in process improvement, coaching, team building, cultural assessments. International experience, working through multi-national cultural issues across global time zones. Leadership, mentoring and team building skills assertively applied to process improvement and accountability.

Served as ScrumMaster to Scrum Alliance, former board member of Agile Denver (2015), founder of ScrumMasters Guild, pro bono coaching donated to local nonprofits.

Brad Swanson

Member at Large

Brad Swanson is a Leadership and Organizational Coach who guides organizations to achieve sustainably better results using Lean & Agile principles. He has been a trusted advisor for executives and organizations across the globe. He honed his own leadership skills as a Vice President in the consulting and software industries.

Brad is a Certified Leadership Agility® 360 Coach, Certified Agile Leadership® (CAL) Educator®, Certified Scrum Trainer® (CST), Certified Agile Coach (Certified Enterprise Coach® - CEC), Certified Professional in Agile Coaching (ICP-ACC), and Certified LeSS Practitioner (Large Scale Scrum). He is a member of the Agile Leadership Journey, a global federation of Leadership coaches. Brad has been an Agile practitioner since 1999, is former President of Agile Denver and co-founder of the Mile High Agile conference, and a speaker at international conferences including numerous Global Scrum Gatherings in the USA and Asia (6 times), Agile 20xx (4 times), Mile High Agile (6 times), Agile Tour Toronto, AgilePalooza, Agile Development Conference East & West, PMI Mile Hi Symposium, and many Meetups in the USA, South America and Asia.